The market for news apps on the mac app store is very thin, and at the top of the list is pulp. Pulp is i different kind of news app comapred to the others on the app store; it does not sync with any news reader accounts you my have. This was not a problem for my because I never used any of them (ex. Google Reader). But instead you can pick what rss service it gets is news from. All you have to do is find a rss service ( 9to5mac or patently apple for example), basically any rss website will work. Once you fo that you can organize them in to catagories and colums. It does come with a few catagories allready set up. I was a little hestiant to buy this at first after finding out that facebook purchased the developers that make pulp, but after a few emails with the developer I was reassured that facebook only bought the developers, not the apps that they made. Also I was told that this version will not be abandoned like the iPad version was. Pulp for mac will not be getting any major updates, but rather small ones (performance & encancments for example).
The only thing that I dont like is that the red, green & yellow in the top left are not colored at all, they are all a whitish color.
Overall a very nice app & probably the best in the app store. I suppose this would not work for you if you used google reader or a similar service. It works briliantly for people that dont use google reader.
MoneyBecomesKing about Pulp