Great app, but needs a lot of improvement
Support for the MacBook Pro with Retina Display is really nice, as well as support for Pocket. The reason I like support for Pocket is because there is no iPhone version of Pulp. There really should be one, and there are some great designs on dribbble in case the developer needs some inspiration.
I really dislike how the Pulp window goes all the way doen to the bottom of the screen when reading an article. I would prefer if it would just stay the regular size, and just have a simple back button.
It would be nice if I wouldnt have to worry about reading all of the articles to make Pulp happy. If articles would have the same font color read or unread, and there was no "unread articles" counter (like a real newspaper), I would really like it. I would also like to be able to customize the background of Pulp while in full screen mode.
Paul Dunahoo about